Friday, 15 April 2016

WiFi radiation measurement methods and preventive fabric details

Collection of some useful weblinks for radiation safety of human health, due to exposure of high frequency wireless environment, were given below
Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity(EHS) affected persons usually feel paid in ears or headache with little time of exposure with cell phone usage
radio frequency radiation
Map WiFi coverage and make it faster software is freely downloadable with limited time version

EMF "Safety standards" not so safe

A Safety Standard is a problematic term. Safety standard are set by a committee of experts who tried to validate how much radiation is safe and how much is not safe. In the process of setting the standard many aspects, other then safety or health, are taking into consideration. For example: financial, technical and political. Sometimes when you can not technically meet the standard, or meeting it will result in financial cost, the standard is gently shifted to please everyone and to save money. The international standards for low (used to be 1000 milliGauss, since 2005 it is 2000mG) and high frequency(1000-400 micro watts square centimeter) electromagnetic radiation are very high. Both takes into account only the immediate, obvious and permanent damage to the body and does not take into account any long-term or biological effects. Some companies and organizations will use these outrageous high so called "safety standards", without explanation of the true essence of it and its limitations. 

Assessment of the exposure load

  1. Number of signal on the frequency span
  2. The level-strength of the signals
  3. Exposure time
Lets take for example the exposure of a person to EMF radiation from a mobile phone. The phone can emits several frequencies (RF) while transmitting. In addition it will emits some levels of ELF.  We don't have control over the number of frequencies emitted, but we should take that into consideration while assessing the exposure load (and while doing the measurement). The radiation level can be partially and roughly measured using and EMF meter, just keep in mind that you are not measuring all of it. The radiation level can be controlled by using the phone in open environment (not in elevators, trains, cars or indoors) where the reception is better and where the phone will emit less RF radiation. In addition using the speaker phone function or a wired earpiece will reduce the exposure even more. The time of exposure can be easily assessed and reduced buy keeping the conversation short and to the point. 

Duty Cycle

Multi frequency and multiple sources measurements

Please note that most of the High-frequency electromagnetic radiation meters that I encountered to date (both professional and simple) are not able to measure multiple frequencies and multiple radiation sources correctly (mobile, WIFI, cellular antennas, cordless phones, etc.). This limitation is due to the difficulty of measuring and summing up all the radiation levels in all the frequencies. Therefore the measurement of radiation sources that emit RF radiation in several frequencies (eg: WIFI, mobile phone antennas mailman third or cellular) or measuring several radiation sources at once may not be accurate and the results will generally be lower than the radiation levels in reality. It is still possible to use these meters to expose radiation sources and to understand how to shield and how to reduce your exposure from them. The only why to measure multi-frequency and mutli-sources environment is by using a vary fast spectrum analyzer.

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