home made experiments for school students as well as for small scale industry's (for unemployed youth)
some of the useful links
solar basics
Basics of Solar Power
What is a solar cell and how does solar power work? Here you will find a simple introduction to the technology for the uninitiated.
What is a Solar Cell?
Can the power be stored?
It is possible to connect an array of solar panels to the mains to assist when the power required is greater than that being generated. The cost of this is offset by selling surplus power back to the electricity company when it is available.
This site, however, is concerned with self-contained systems where this is not possible. In this type of system the usual choice for energy storage is the lead-acid battery. Find out more about batteries here. The number and type of batteries is dependent on the amount of energy storage needed.
Power Control
No matter what, sometimes there will be too much power. Other times there won't be enough. The battery will be damaged if it is allowed to be overcharged or over discharged, so a controller is needed to protect it. Read more about controllers here.The smallest systems may have only a few 12 Volt lights, but in bigger systems 230 Volts will probably be needed. An inverter is used to transform the low voltage DC generated by the solar panels into mains voltage AC.
Rationalising your energy usage is the next step to building a successful solar powered system.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency saves you money. Where solar energy is concerned it saves even more money. This page will get you to think about how much energy you use. Whether it's solar energy or not, you can reduce what you pay for electricity.
Energy Optimisation
What's the right energy source? Well it depends on two things; what is needed and what's available. For example, if you have a source of logs then that might be the best energy source for heating your living room.
Appropriate Energy
The biggest gains are usually to be found in lighting. Using the right sort of lamps in the right places can pay dividends for anybody, but especially for solar energy users. Click here to select the right sort of lights for you.Think about what you use for heating. Not just for space heating, but cooking and water heating as well. Solar power may be no use for heating, but you may find that solar energy could help. Find out more about heating here.
Refrigeration and other appliances need to be carefully considered to reduce energy use. It stands to reason that the fewer appliances you have the less energy you will use, but if there's something you have to have, then a little thought can make all the difference.
Now you understand all about energy efficiency, you can start to design your solar power system.
System Design
Getting the design of the system right is key to ensuring both reliability of supply and minimum cost. A little time spent in accurate estimation of energy consumption and planning the installation wil pay dividends in the future. The calculators on this page will help in the process of builing the optimum solar power system for your needs.
Solar Panel Sizing
Next, start the array size calculator. Enter the daily energy requirement and select the seasons you will be using it in. The result tells you the amount of solar generation needed in Watts peak. For example, if the answer is 100 Wp, then you need two 50 Watt solar panels, five 20 Watt panels or any other combination that adds up to 100 Watts. The actual panels to be used may be determined by their availability, the area available to you or other considerations.
Now you can size the battery. First you have to decide on the system voltage. A simple rule of thumb is this: If there are 12 Volt loads or it's a small system (a few hundred Watts), make it 12 Volt. Otherwise make it 24 Volt. Only think about 48 Volts if you have telecoms equipment to power or it's a very big system, at least 1 kW (1000 Watts).
To size the battery, use the battery calculator. You'll need to use the daily energy requirement calculated earlier.
Only one big thing left; cable. If the major components are a long way from each other or the loads, you may need substantial cable to avoid loss of power. Decide where the components are going and use the cable calculator to work out the size of the major cables.
Other Components
Now that the major system components are in place, all that remains is the simple matter of sizing the:
- Charge Controller
and - Inverter
It is possible to do without a charge controller only if the battery is very large relative to the solar panel array. An example is the "Battery Saver" panels designed to plug into a car cigarette lighter. Otherwise, add up the short-circuit current of the solar panel array and use the next largest controller.
Apart from a few wiring tips, you are now ready to buy the parts.
Wiring Tips
If you have electrical experience then wiring up your solar power system should be strightforward. Although the wiring is likely to be more complicated than normal mains wiring, all the principles involved are the same. This page gives an outline of the differences between this type of wiring and normal wiring.Caution:If you are at all unsure of your abilities please employ a qualified electrician, preferably one with experience of wiring renewable energy systems.
DC Wiring
AC Wiring
Useful Links
Links to various solar power resources and suppliers, sorted by category. If there is something you would like to see here, if you are a supplier or information source then please submit a link to this page.If you would just like to link to this site then go right ahead.
Most Recent
Eco-friendly Garden Offices and Granny AnnexesArchitect-designed, sustainable, highly insulated garden offices and granny flats. Constructed with Uk sourced materials, highlt insulated. If you want a shower room, we can add solar panels for water heating.
solar water heater
Supplier of solar water heater in China. The products are including thermal solar water heater and split solar water heater.
Greenworks Renewable Energy Solutions
Specialize in green energy solutions such as solar heating panels, domestic wind turbines, etc
solar power home
Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source for the future.
Biodiesel is a realistic and environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline.
Total Solar Energy
Discover how solar energy can help save both money and the environment
Energy Saving Products Company - Save n Energy
Energy saving Products company in West Palm Beach, Florida, providing Energy Star quality energy efficient Home Appliances.Save n Energy offers CFLs, fans, water heaters, and other efficient home appliances, which helps save energy.
Solar power
Solar Power you can get solar power in your home by using solar panels to capture the power of the sun. Company information includes solar hot water heating, energy efficient boilers, geothermal power and more. Reduce your carbon emissions and your energy bills.
Solar Houses for Sale in Costa Rica
Green Building in Costa Rica - Solar powered, sustainable Real Estate. Green Real Estate. Green Architecture.
OY Not Solar
We promote the use of solar electric systems for use by homeowners and small business applications.
Solar Sky Spain S.L.
Design and supply of Solar energy Systems. Solar electrical systems for remote homes inland Spain Solar water heating systems distributor
LED Bulbs
LED Bulbs can last for over 50,000 hours and save you up to 90% of your energy lighting bills
Latin America Wind Energy Association
Latin America Wind Energy Association / Asociacion Latino Americana de Energia Eolica
Solar kent
Practical examples of solar water heating and solar electric installations
Solar Watts
Installers of Photo Voltaic (electrical) Solar Panels. Many frequently asked questions answered on our web site.
The Solar Lights Blog
An introduction to Solar Lights and what kind of lighting applications can be achieved with solar energy
Equipment Suppliers
Southern Solar LtdSouthern Solar offers a range of solar power solutions for your home or business. Solar hot water systems, grid connected solar electric and wind power. Grants available!
Navitron Renewable Energy
Navitron Ltd is based in the UK, and provides affordable renewable energy solutions. European importer for solar water heaters, wind turbines, water turbines, heat pumps, backup petrol and diesel power generators and autogas conversion equipment.
Screwfix Direct
Suppliers of low-cost wiring accessories, lighting and tools amongst a wide selection of trade and DIY items.
Select Solar
Suppliers of a very wide range of solar power equipment, with a comprehensive web site.
A huge selection of low voltage equipment for all applications.
Energy and Environment
Online merchant with a wide range of solar power products.
County Battery
Suppliers of a wide range of batteries including leisure and deep-cycle types.
Infinigi - Infinite Energy Solutions
A renewable energy company that provides exceptional customer service and offer aggressive prices on solar panels, wind turbines, charge controllers, inverters, and other renewable and energy efficient products.
Solar Panels - Based in Essex UK
We are UK suppliers of a huge range of solar panels and solar products, secure online shop
Bright Light Solar Ltd UK
Suppliers of solar panels, charge controllers, batteries, refrigerators, lighting. Design & supply with 20 years experience.
Energy Force Ltd
We provide solar and wind power. We offer parts, systems,and other services. From start to finish.
Midnight Sun Innovations LLC
Features a innovative solar powered LED flashlight which does not require batteries.
Solarthermie - Gro�e Qualit�t zum kleinen Preis!
California Solar Electric Company
Serving Northern California, California Solar Electric Company specializes in solar power systems design, sales, and installation for your home or business.
Low cost Kyocera Solar Modules. Luxeon LEDs, AirX & Forgen Wind turbines, environmental services
Energy Development Co-op Limited
UK based solar & wind power specialists, supplying mainly small commercial stand-alone power systems, typically for remote lighting, data collection & telecoms.
CirKits sells kits for solar charge controllers and lighting systems.
NJ Solar Solutions
Solar Power & Energy - NJ Solar Solutions Inc. specializes in solar powered electric installations with a partnership with BP Solar Energy and Home Depot.
Solar Battery Distributor
Advanced Power Products, a full stocking supplier of solar batteries, aircraft batteries, marine batteries, and rv batteries.
Midsummer Energy
We sell solar panels, regulators and other components of renewable energy systems.
Bright Green Energy
Based in Beckenham, Kent, we sell a wide range of solar panels, wind turbines and renewable energy products.
SkyLineSolar is the Uk's first online energy warehouse that covers all sources of renewable energy. Including Solar power, Geothermal power, wind power and hydroelectric
4 Elements Renewable Energy Products
4 Elements provide a wide range of solar and wind powered products. All our branded quality products such as Sharp, Schüco, Rolls Batteries, BP Solar, Exide, Victron, Marlec, Studer etc… come with extensive manufacturers guarantees giving you peace of mind and protecting your investment. The renewable energy industry in the UK is now beginning to grow and as new renewable power technology comes on stream we will continue to add to our portfolio. So bookmark www.4elements-uk.com in your favourite browser or call us on 01844 210960.
Alpha Solar The renewable energy resource
We provide cost effective , state of the art , efficient renewable energy products, accessories and complete electric systems for homes, cabins, boats, remote site and back-up power at very competitive prices.
Wavemaker Energy Saving
Solar Panels, energy efficiency products, all available for worldwide distribution. Suitable for anything from home to business use - we have a wide range
Solar Energy - Soul-er for Solar
Designs and installs solar systems for residential and commercial applications.
Renewable Energy
Ener.G Group offerings, Cogeneration, Renewable Energy, Energy Management and Energy From Waste provide an energy solution for all businesses and industry types
solar energy
solar photovoltaic modules,micro solar panels solar torches solar lights solar educational kits solar caps
Solar Fusion Ltd
Government accredited supplier of the most advanced solar power systems, including solar PV. Based in Dorset and providing services nationwide.
An alternative energy solutions company providing a wide range of equipment and kits from top renewable energy manufacturers. Offerings include solar power equipment, wind power and microhydro.
Turbine Technologies
Supply And Installation Of Renewable Energy Products To The Domestic And Commercial Market,
Lake Renewable Energy
Provider of renewable energy products including solar , wind and energy saving devices to the homeowner and small / medium business
Evacuated Tube Solar Panels
Distributors of evacuated tube & flat panel solar thermal collectors to trade & DIY.
Solar PlazaWorldwide directory of PV resources.
Alternative And Renewable Energy News, Emagazine And Library
Centre for Alternative Technology
An essential for anybody interested in alternative technologies, CAT has a wide range of resources and an excellent visitor centre.
UK Solar Energy Society
The UK arm of the International Solar Energy Society, this is the organisation dedicated to advancing solar energy technology.
Positive Power
Renewable energy information service. Links to resources and news articles.
Gordon Clarke Architects
Eco architects specialising in organic design, and high quality sustainable architecture.
Odysen Renewable Energy
Renewable energy calculators, news archive, events, games, and location specific information.
Energy Concepts
Energy Concepts is an Energy Services and Consulting Organisation, providing technical knowledge relating to existing modes of power and the needs of development in the field of Alternative Energy
FreeSunPower provides Free tutorials, both beginner & advanced with interactive online design tools for Solar Energy Systems.
Renewable Energy Resources
Best education Websites on renewable and alternative energy resources, green power, fuel cells, alternative fuel vehicles, solar energy, water power or hydropower, wave, tidal, or ocean energy, and wind power.
Consumer Utility Services
Impartial information and advice on saving money on your energy bills and how to be more energy efficient in the home.
Natural Matters
Natural living directory with a dedicated sustainable power section including solar, products, services, news, articles
ENF - PV Industry Information
Solar power industry database (cells/module/panels, equipment, components, products, installers). Solar business & technical news, solar magazine, government tenders for solar projects
Solar Garage
My Solar garage, A beginners blog on starting and getting deep into solar power.
Solar Review
Provides News, Reviews, and Information about Solar and Photovoltaic Products
YourGreenDream - Hobby alternative energy production education and resources
Home Power Magazine
Home Power magazine is the Hands-on Journal of Home-Made Power. If you are interested in: making your own electricity from renewable energy, alternative vehicles, or finding out the latest in related technologies and life-styles, then this publication can keep you up to date.
This is their suggested link text, but I'd go further. Home Power is the best magazine about renewable energy, bar none.
Uk Energy Saving
The website gives information and tips on ways to save energy and also how to save money on household bills.
Solar Future
SOLARFUTURE is a NGO based in the European Union and South East Asia dedicated to promoting sustainable solutions for the future of mankind.
Sustainability Store
Directory of socially and environmentally responsible products and services.
Solar Times
The latest news going on in the solar industry.
New Energy Congress
The best news and directory service on the net regarding cutting edge energy technologies.
Solar Facts
Information on what is required and how it works for a domestic solar power system, all in easy to understand language.
Renewable Energy Stocks
RenewableEnergyStocks.com® is a global investor and industry research portal for the renewable energy sector. The website does not make stock recommendations but features industry and stock news, exclusive articles and financial columnists, audio interviews, investor conferences, Blogs, and a directory of stocks in the sector including solar, wind and ethanol
New solar technologys. Renewable Energy
Solarism promotes the use of all forms of renewable energy, in particular solar thermal water heating, enabling up to 70% reduction in annual water heating costs.
a collection of energy and money saving tips, ideas, information and products from around the world
Solar power
Solar power, but what is solar power? and how will you make the best use of it? well, the answer to this is very.
Solar Panels
Information on how home solar panels can provide power for electricity or to heat your home. Also contains an environment articles database with an ever increasing number of related articles and press releases.
Home Solar Power
An expanding site providing information pertaining to all aspects of domestic solar power. Solar heating, photovoltaic power, active and passive solar heating etc.
Good to be Green
Our green building directory gives consumers free access to the most comprehensive list of green building products, eco-friendly materials and sustainable service professionals in residential and commercial markets.
Outdoor Solar Lights
Solar lights for every situation. Tips & Resources about outdoor solar lights.
Learn what you can do to conserve energy, fuel, water, and more. Help lower your bills as we move from today's throw-away lifestyle to a sustainable reduce-reuse-recycle economy!
House Energy Savings
How to get home energy savings through solar energy, advanced windows and other practises and renewable technologies.
Solar Exhibition
We are organizer for Malaysia International Solar Expo and Conference, we will develop a good market and joint co operate with solar world
Solar Heating
Thermomax LtdManufacturers of evacuated tube solar collectors, the best for water heating in the UK.
AES Solar Systems
AES Solar manufacture cost-effective flat-plate solar collectors. They offer a DIY kit with telephone backup.
Green Earth Energy
Suppliers and installers of Solar Hot Water and Solar PV Systems. Clear Skies fully accredited.
SolarVenti UK Ltd
Sole UK distributor for scandinavian manufactured SolarVenti units which are self contained solar powered dehumidification, ventilation and heating systems.
Sustainable Resources for the 21st Century, purchase eco chemical free vortex & silver water treatment to control legionella, plus eco energy, gshp, micro wind energy, stirling engine, solar energy
China Solar Power ,Solar Water Heating, Wind energy -Heat Pipe Solar Collector for Eu market.
We are a supplier of evacuated solar water heaters, heat pipe and u pipe solar collectors,separated water tanks, evacuated glass solar tubes, solar pv panels, wind generator, and wind energy products. We are the manufacturer and exporter of high quality solar water heating collectors for Europe.
Honeywell thermostat, Wirsbo Radiant Heat ,Wirsbo pex plumbing - Pexsupply.com
Wirsbo Radiant Heat Supplies, Taco Pumps and Valves and Wirsbo PEX Plumbing Supplies are available at PexSupply.com PEX Supply takes great pride in offering our customers a large selection of products at the lowest prices.Honeywell thermostats wirsbo Radiant Heat Supplies, Taco Pumps and Valves and Wirsbo PEX Plumbing Supplies are available at PexSupply.com.
Solar Panels Plus LLC
Importer and distributor of solar water heating, space heating & cooling products.
Grid Connect Solar
TranswesT SolarSolar Products - Entry level Inverters, meters etc,,, more to come
PV Systems
Suppliers and installers of grid-connected solar power systems.
Non Solar Power
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